Buy Me Some Peanuts and Plastic Pants Pt 3
Pulling out a pack of baby wipes, Mommy began to wipe every nook and cranny of Baby’s bottom, quickly working through a stack of wipes as she gently teased the blushing boy for the big stinky he had made. “Mommy’s sweet boy wuvs having his bottom cweaned! He made such a biggy wiggy stinky!” His blush deepened as she finished with the wipes and began rubbing diaper cream into his tush and up in between his chunky baby thighs. Next came the baby powder, Baby Boy’s favorite part, as the white powered cascaded in a silky flume to cover his pee-pee and temporarily obscure his sight of Mommy. “Where’s baby?!?” She chuckled, tickling him through the white mist. Fastening a clean cloth adult diaper around him with his special baseball diaper pins, she pulled his plastic pants up nice and snug and plunked him back down on her lap. Baby Boy loved his diaper day at the ballgame and snuggled close, happy to be a diaper boy.
Mommy Jackie
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