Naughty Sex Ed With Ava
Class is out of session! So let the naughty teacher phone sex begin! It’s 2oclock and the bell has rang! All your class mates jump up to race out the door to get home from school! But not you, oh no you aren’t going anywhere young man. I call out your name, motioning for you to come up to my desk, that’s right you heard me right, you’re in trouble today mister. Teacher Ava is about to send out report cards and I’m afraid yours is the worst grades in the whole class room! Could you imagine what kind of trouble you’re going to get into if you try bringing those grades home? Lucky for you I may have a couple of ways for you to “earn” some extra credit if you catch my drift. Being a college teacher I have to be around such ho young boys all day long and I never get any time to let lose and please myself so that’s why I have you. Now c’mon you want this extra credit don’t you? Now crawl right in between Ava’s legs and lets get to work on those grades with some student/teacher phone sex.
Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy!
#naughtyteacher #mistressava #sexed