Small Penis Humiliation With Crissy
What’s useless, pathetic and has no chance in hell to ever please a woman? Well your little dick of course! Losers like you need to call me for small penis humiliation phone sex because that’s the only way that thing has any chance at getting hard. It almost looks like a clit dangling between your legs. You can’t call it a dick or anything else since it’s so tiny! No girl is going to want to have anything to do with that charity case between your legs. It’s no surprise at all that you don’t have a girlfriend. Probably never had a wife or someone who wanted to marry you either have you? No shock on that one. It’s pretty pathetic when you need to call a bratty femdom like me just to have hopes of even getting it up. You’ll never be a man to anyone ever. All you’ll ever receive is cuckold phone sex.
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