The Master Vigilante Cop Part 1

I saw the young 21 year old submissive woman through her driver side window as she pulled into the gas station parking lot from 4 cars back in line. I was already sitting for awhile waiting for my turn to turn right at the light, and wishing I could just turn through that gas station myself, but of course that is illegal. However, as I watched the blue Honda turn it, I noticed that it had sped up rather than slow down. “What are you … you better not be…” I said, but sure enough the redhead went right through and out the other side, having cut by 6 cars in the process. Of course, as expected, no police around to witness this. That’s why I put the red and blue lights in my car. I flipped them on and pulled through the gas station myself to catch up with her. She saw me coming and slowed down, hoping I was passing. No such luck, Red. Pull it over. She pulled over and waited for me. In her rear view mirror I could see the look of annoyance pass over her face before she put on a wide eyed innocent act for me. Nice try sweetheart, but it won’t get you out of what’s coming. In fact, it increases my pleasure to give it to you. “License and registration ma’am,” I sounded official. “What did I do?” she asked in a youthful voice, handing them over to me. I glanced at her name. “Janey”. It figured she would have a name like that. “Cut through that gas station back there ma’am. That’s illegal. They aren’t there to be your personal shortcut.” “Oh, but ….. Oh, I didn’t know!” she tried. “I’m sorry!” She gave me a Bambi eyed look. Nope … I’m immune. But then she got suspicious. There’s always the chance it can happen, I just have to keep cool. “Why aren’t you in uniform? And your car doesn’t look like a police car.” “I’m plainclothes, ma’am. And the car is unmarked. We do that so people don’t just act right when they see us.” She seemed to buy it. Then, “What’s your badge number?”
“Plainclothes don’t need to give that to you ma’am.” I had answered it so evenly that she didn’t even question it. “Please don’t give me a ticket!” she begged. “I’ll be in so much trouble with my Dad!” Uh-oh. I thought she was older than that. I looked at her license again and hoped it wasn’t faked. “I’m still living at home while I attend college,” she said, relieving my worry. “My Dad … can still gjve me a well deserved domination punishment even though I am 21…” “And well he should!” I acted it out. “Here you are pulling dangerous stunts like that out here on the roads, acting all entitled. You NEED to be punished.” Call me for some Domination Sex Talk!
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